Baltimore can be a city built on renewal

It is completely legal to discriminate against people who have a criminal record by denying them housing, employment, and voting rights. This type of discrimination locks people out of the opportunities that promote healthy and enriching lives.

Equity–but only with intention!

In times of economic struggle there is an opportunity for improved coordination of child serving agencies to work smarter and reach further. I am troubled by reduced budgets and yet optimistic in the spirit of cross system collaboration and partnership, with the possibilities of better service, quality care, and improved outcomes for youth and families. I do believe we can do more, with less…

Our Audacious Ideas get even better

Today we are launching a brand new version of Audacious Ideas. With its new features, we hope it will become a versatile and easy way for us to interact with each other. As has been the case since 2007, each week you will still receive a new “audacious” idea aimed at changing Baltimore for the […]