The tragic murders of unarmed Black men at the hands of police officers is a glaring example of law enforcement viewing Black men and boys as a problem within society that needs to be dealt with and controlled.
The Rise of Heroin Use a Concern Nationwide
Monday, November 24, 2014In cities and suburbs across America, we are seeing the dire consequences of increases in opioid use, and national leaders are clamoring for answers. Addiction does not differentiate between the young or old, black or white, working class or white-collar professional.
OSI-Baltimore Selects 11 New Community Fellows
Tuesday, November 11, 2014OSI-Baltimore awards $660,000 in grants to social entrepreneurs who will lead innovative strategies to build a stronger city.
Screening: Cracking the Codes sparks conversation about systemic racial inequity and its costs
Tuesday, September 23, 2014OSI-Baltimore, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore Racial Justice Action and the YWCA Greater Baltimore host a screening and discussion of a provocative documentary that shines a light on systemic racial inequity and its costs.
Talking About Race: New York Times Columnist Charles M. Blow to Discuss His Debut Memoir
Thursday, September 18, 2014The OSI-Baltimore Series “Talking About Race” brings one of the country’s most respected journalists to talk about current events, as well as race, class, pain and redemption.
Promises Kept: Raising Black Boys to Succeed in School and in Life
Tuesday, September 09, 2014The OSI-Baltimore’s Talking About Race series brings together the filmmakers behind the award-winning documentary American Promise to discuss the challenges of and best practices for raising African-American boys in a society that too often discriminates against them.
Tracy Brown Joins OSI-Baltimore as Deputy Director
Thursday, August 21, 2014Tracy Brown, a longtime Maryland attorney, advocate and leader, has been hired as Open Society Institute-Baltimore’s deputy director, a new role created to help the organization continue its progress toward finding solutions to the city’s most pressing problems.
Audacious Thinking: Fall 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014This issue highlights the Open Places Initiative, a new place-based program building on OSI-Baltimore’s example. Scott Nolen writes about the rise of heroin use and we interviewed William Baker and Mary Louise Preis.
NASBE Names OSI-Baltimore the 2014 “Friend of Education”
Monday, July 28, 2014Open Society Institute-Baltimore and its director Diana Morris are being honored this year by the National Association of State Boards of Education with the organization’s 2014 Friend of Education Award.
Invisible Homelessness: Baltimore Youth Speak Out
Monday, July 07, 2014When you walk, drive, or ride the bus in Baltimore do you see homeless youth? Can you tell whether the youth you stroll past is headed to a safe, stable home, or whether she doesn’t know where she’ll lay her head tonight or find her next meal?