• Baltimore can be a city built on renewal

    It is completely legal to discriminate against people who have a criminal record by denying them housing, employment, and voting rights. This type of discrimination locks people out of the opportunities that promote healthy and enriching lives.

  • Equity–but only with intention!

    In times of economic struggle there is an opportunity for improved coordination of child serving agencies to work smarter and reach further. I am troubled by reduced budgets and yet optimistic in the spirit of cross system collaboration and partnership, with the possibilities of better service, quality care, and improved outcomes for youth and families. I do believe we can do more, with less…

  • Can new health insurance exchanges save money?

    Why not design an exchange that actually controls health care costs?

  • Lessons from NewsTrust Baltimore

    This year, we were invited by the Open Society Foundations to organize a local news experiment called NewsTrust Baltimore. The goal of this six-month pilot was to help Baltimore residents find and share good journalism about their community—and to teach college and high school students how to separate fact from fiction online. From February to […]