• Let’s confront child sexual abuse

    What if I told you that as a city we could reduce the incidents of sexual child abuse by 48%? Consider the fact that last year, the Baltimore Child Abuse Center interviewed 793 children about allegations of sexual child abuse; now consider national estimates that only one in 10 children report the abuse. Baltimore City […]

  • Let’s stop rewarding truant students with more time off from school

    It’s good news that communities and schools are starting to pay serious attention to the problem of student absence and truancy. After all, teachers can’t teach children who simply aren’t there. Students who miss a lot of school are very likely to fail, drop out and struggle throughout their lives. Some of the renewed emphasis […]

  • On the responsibilities of universities

    Baltimore City public schools are underperforming. The Baltimore City Data Collaborative showed that between 2006-2007, just over 44% of 8th graders were proficient in state reading assessments, and just 24.4% were proficient in math. We know that while high-school graduation rates have improved from over six years ago, still nearly 9.6% of our 9th-12th graders […]

  • Art-filled spaces dedicated to issues, art and community

    Visual art has the potential to play a more vital role in the life of our community than has yet been fully realized. There are a few local models out there hinting at possibilities. Coming up in November is the Baltimore Bioneers ’08 Conference, weaving issue-related art into an event all about innovative thinking on […]

  • Slash the city’s property tax rate by more than 50 percent over the next 25 years

    The City of Baltimore finds itself mired in a classic Catch-22.  Property taxes in Baltimore City are more than twice as high as any county rate in Maryland.  That’s because to balance its budget each year, Baltimore City must levy disproportionately high taxes on its citizenry, which in turn induces more people to leave the […]